Advanced Research Solutions, Inc. (ARS)

We are a recognized municipal government and law enforcement consulting firm specializing in expert witness and crisis communication. Our staff can provide real-world solutions through scientifically valid examination of specific agency concerns ranging from a department wide assessment all the way down to a single incident analysis.

Additional services include:

  • Agency climate surveys
  • Program evaluation
  • Strategic planning
  • Policy analysis
  • Assessment
  • Cost benefit / cost effectiveness analysis
  • Contingent valuation surveys
  • Testing and evaluation of law enforcement equipment and weapons (specifically less lethal delivery systems and munitions)
  • Crisis management
  • Media relations
  • Preemptive risk assessment
  • Crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC)
  • Use of force analysis

For more information:

Our consulting firm specializes in expert witness and crisis communication. We can provide solutions from a department wide assessment all the way down to a single incident analysis.