- 12 Gauge Less Lethal Shot Gun Study
- ACJS beanbag
- Aerial Flash Bangs
- Bark vs Bite and Hold K9 Article
- Contingent Valuation of Police Dogs 2008
- Disposable Restraint Study
- Diversionary Device Journal Article LEEF
- Does Accreditation Work
- Evaluation of the RCB Baton
- Five Year Analysis of Use of Force
- FN303 Journal Article
- Highway Flare Poster
- Highway Flare Study
- Impact Weapon Evaluation
- Infrared Beacon Evaluation Application
- International K9 Conference
- IR Beacon Poster
- LEEF IR Beacon Article
- Less Lethal Presentation MDOC
- Less Letha Weapons Effectiveness and Injuries
- Modular Shotgun JTE Article
- Muzzle Blast Cartridges
- Narcotics K9 Evaluation
- Need for Oversight of Less Lethal Weapons Presentation to DOJ
- Operational Assessment of the Benelli M4
- Pepperball Launcher SA4 Study
- Pepperball SA8 Study
- Pepper Spray Study
- Perceptions of Police Dogs Critical Issues in Justice
- Police Dog Media Study
- Police Dogs as Less Lethal Weapons
- Police Use of Force Cumulative Force Factor
- Pre-Trial Evaluation
- Pricing Police Dogs
- Scent as Forensic Evidence
- Scent as Forensic Evidence and Its Relationship to Law Enforcement Canine
- Sniff Test JFI
- Social Construction of Vest
- Stingball Grenade
- TASER book chapter
- Taser Stinger Evaluation
- TASER X2 study
- WERI Taser Law Enforcement Executive Forum